Permit technician wearing hard hat holding tablet

Services Permit Technicians

Professional Permit Services

SAFEbuilt has extensive experience in providing permit technicians to cities and counties across the country. These services help communities work through permit backlog, streamline work during natural disasters, and stay on top of fluctuating workloads.

Permit technician holding tablet

On-call permit technicians

If you have a permit technician heading out for vacation or a temporary leave, our on-call permit technicians can step in to fill the gap. We’re also here if you need immediate support following a natural disaster or other sudden event.

Safebuilt technicians in background of desk with blueprints and laptop

Daily permit technicians

Need permit technicians to address your growing backlog? Our team can step into your department for as long as it takes to get you back up to speed.

SAFEbuilt permit technicians lined up

Long-term technicians

Whether you have budget constraints or are struggling to find qualified, full-time permit technicians, we offer consistent coverage for your building department for as long as you need.

Permit technician using electronic permitting software

Electronic permitting software

Automation can help get you back up to speed. Our CommunityCore permitting software makes it easy for users to submit permit applications, and helps keep building departments organized and on track.

Once permits are submitted, CommunityCore allows your staff and applicants to track plan reviews and inspections in real-time, reducing the amount of communication between your department and residents and reducing paperwork errors.

  • Work through permit backlogs
  • Handle workload surges
  • Keep permits organized
  • Notify applicants of permit progress

Looking to streamline your permitting process and work through backlog?

Speak to a Building Department Expert